Friday, February 13, 2009

Finally taking a stand

Look who finally decided you can't keep a good baby down.

In the most terrifying Friday the 13th moment for mom and dad, Aidan decided to start standing up by himself. He even shouted his good news from the rooftops ("mama, mama, dada, dada, dada!").

All we can really say is, it's about time. Some kids start walking early and other kids, like Aidan, decide to be careful and take their sweet time. At this rate, we expect to see some independent walking somewhere around 15 months old. We'll keep ya posted.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I will never go hungry

Once again, Aidan proves he will never starve. The lowdown: boy decides he's hungry, boy finds can of snack crackers, boy opens canister and devours snacks. Could he look any more proud of himself?