Friday, December 26, 2008

What fun! Look who's one...

It's the most anticipated moment of a kid's first birthday party: the moment everyone sings Happy Birthday and the guest of honor starts bawling. Except that didn't happen with Aidan. 

As the singing begins, a slow smile begins to spread across his face. He thinks, "this is cool--I like songs." Then the magic line, "happy birthday dear Aidan" and as he recognizes his name, smiles big, laughs, and claps. It's the baby equivalent of, "Oh my god! I can't believe this song is for me! That's AWESOME!"

And then he got to eat cake for the first time, which seems to be another big hit. Already birthdays are shaping up to be a favorite. Forget Thanksgiving and Christmas. Bring on more birthdays.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Present overload

What's the perfect word to describe Aidan's first Christmas? Ah yes, overkill. Between Christmas Eve with close friends and family and Christmas Day with two sets of grandparents (and aunt Nettie), there are now enough toys in our house to entertain Aidan until he's 3.

Poor kid was completely overwhelmed with the number of gifts he had to open. In fact, he seams to have developed a distinct fear of gift wrap.

At least the first Christmas gift from mom and dad ever (pictured here) got big smiles.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

No thank-you

Ah Thanksgiving...Most of us spend the entire year looking forward to this glorious day of gluttony.  Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, green beans, cranberry sauce, pie--what's not to love? According to Aidan, everything.

Let's just say his first foray into real food didn't go so well. Green beans were immediately spit out. Potatoes and yams were tolerated, but only barely. Pie filling was enjoyed, but if it wasn't, I'd think the kid was plain weird.

At the end of the night, the (typically) champion eater was fleeing at the sight of a spoon and begging for baby food. Next year is bound to be better. More teeth means more enjoyment, right?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Aquarium=great rainy day activity (NOT!)

Today was one of those miserable rainy days where all you want to do is stay inside. Pre-kid, we'd go to the movies and theater hop, gorging ourselves on popcorn and candy. Now that Aidan is here, we decided to put our family membership to the Academy of Sciences to good use instead. Unfortunately, every other family in the Bay Area seemed to have the same idea. Making our way through the aquarium, the crowds became so insane and loud that Aidan looked at me, said "momma," and covered his ears. That's when we decided to quickly check out the African safari and ecology exhibits and leave. Brian and I were so proud of ourselves for staying calm through the experience that we treated ourselves to the Olive Garden (turns out Aidan loves Minestrone soup). If I ever suggest going to Golden Gate Park on a rainy day again, please remind me of this moment and slap some sense into me. What was I thinking?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin patching

Even though I had no voice, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to take the babe to the pumpkin patch for the first time. Aidan LOVED the wood chips on the ground (it took us a good five minutes to get a picture where he wasn't trying to eat them). After the photo op, we quickly picked out our pumpkin and hightailed it over to grandma and grandpa's house for dinner. Ah, good times.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin festivities

We had a great time at the 2008 Half Moon Bay Art & Pumpkin Festival. While we were waiting to get our family picture with the giant pumpkin, I managed to take this cute portrait of Brian and Aidan. Aren't they handsome?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pouty face wants presents

I’m always angry to see Christmas decorations in the stores before Halloween, but I can't blame them this year. A lot of people have already asked me what to get Aidan for Christmas and his birthday. I guess everyone’s starting to shop early, so here are some ideas. Just one favor: If you do decide to get him something off this list, please let me know so I can take it off the post. Also keep in mind that babies love playing with boxes, so if you just want to wrap up an empty box, that'll work, too. Really.

* Size 2T and 3T clothes and pajamas
*  (purchased) Alphabet mat
* (purchased) Fisher-Price corn popper
* (purchased) Puzzles
* Jack in the box
* (purchased) Little People garage
* (purchased) Little People farm
* Little People bus
* (purchased) Wooden blocks
* (purchased) Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube
* (purchased) I-Play Toddler Light N' Flight Airplane Ride-On
* (purchased) LeapFrog Learn N' Groove Music Table
* Ride on car
* Push buggy
* (Doggy purchased) Pull along toys
* Little Tykes xylophone
* Carousel
* (purchased) TMX Cookie Monster
* (purchased) LeapFrog drum
* LeapFrog maracas
* LeapFrog Tad or Baby Tad
* SF Giants shirt
* SF Giants cap like this or this
* Everyone Poops
* Once Upon a Potty (boy)
* (purchased) The Story of Babar
* Toilet training seat
* Potty

Monday, August 18, 2008

Looks can be deceiving

A great flight to Hawaii, a gorgeous day at Hanauma Bay, surrounded by beautiful women in bikinis--you’d think that look on Aidan’s face is contentment. But you’d be wrong. Behind that seemingly carefree glance was a meltdown waiting to happen. Turns out Aidan doesn’t like heat, and he had a cold. After three days of little to no sleep, I think we were both ready for a vacation from our vacation. Still, this isn’t going to stop me from trying the family vacation again. Can you say “glutton for punishment”?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hey Daddy-O

Brian's first Father's Day went off without a hitch. He got an electric shaver and beard trimmer (courtesy of Aidan), sushi for lunch, pizza for dinner, and a long nap on my parent's couch.

We spent the evening watching my dad's new Muppet Show DVDs and found out Aidan may just be the youngest Muppet Show fan ever. He was absolutely enthralled by the Swedish Chef. Kid has good taste.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Do you denounce Satan? Sure.

Brian and I often think to ourselves, "Gee, how can we get more pictures that'll embarrass Aidan in his teenage years?" We also think, "Aidan needs to spend more time fighting evil." So on May 25 we decided to kill two birds with one stone. We dressed our baby boy like a Quaker, poured water over his head, slathered him in oil, and made all our friends (and my atheist father) say they'd reject Satan and all his works. Yes, we had a good ol' fashion church baptism. Aidan's godmother did a phenomenal job making his AWESOME gown, and it must have been really comfy--Aidan spent his entire reception sleeping in it.

Breakfast & Tiffany's

Aidan went above and beyond for his first Mother's Day. I got breakfast in bed (blueberry pancakes--yum!) and a Tiffany's necklace, which Aidan hand delivered and dropped in my lap (accidentally). Brian came in holding Aidan and Aidan was holding the Tiffany's bag--too cute! My boys are the greatest.

Let's go Giants, let's go!

April 7 marked two big milestones in this little San Franciscan's life: his first MUNI ride and first Giants game. That's right, Aidan went to opening day at AT&T park at a mere three months old. Highlights included: seeing Willie Mays in the opening ceremony, getting scared by the Navy FA-18 flyover, and having a drunk guy (who kept calling him "little buddy") try to wake him up. Classic.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's Not Just Gas

Mr. Fussy Pants is often, well, fussy. Luckily we're starting to get some relief: real smiles. That's right, it's not just gas. Well, it could be--but this one's not. There are a couple things that seem to bring Aidan real joy: daddy coming home from work (which is a total blow to mommy's ego) and fooling mommy into thinking he's asleep and then opening his eyes really fast. Yup, Aidan thinks he's funny for tricking mommy. We're so going to be in trouble during his teenage years.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Super Duper Pooper Man

Aidan may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but he sure knows how to fill a diaper (we call his blowouts "weapon X" and trust me, you don't want to be around when he deploys weapon X). To show our Super Duper Pooper Man (aka Mr. Squishy Pants) what the superhero thing is all about, we dressed Aidan in his best Super Man onsie and Blue Beetle baby bib—courtesy of his godmother—and hit the exhibition floor at Wondercon. Yes, Saturday, February 23 was baby's first comic book convention.

Some people say attending geeky events should be a choice, but I don't see anything wrong with a 2-month old learning about the Justice League and ways of the Jedi. So what if he slept through the DC and Lucas Film panels and spent a good deal of time nursing at the back of the exhibition hall (once at a table where one of my favorite authors, Michael Chabon, and his kids were having lunch)? He got so tuckered out taking in all the sights that he only woke up once during the night. In my book, that makes it all worthwhile.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

One Month Old, With Snots

It's official: my baby has his first cold. He's congested and miserable, and now I'm congested and miserable too. But wait, it gets better. Aidan's decided that the only thing that makes him feel better is swallowing, so he wants to nurse all the time--and spit up all the time (the little guy's stomach can only hold so much). It's a vicious cycle. Maybe I need to hold a milk intervention. I can gather the family and we can all let him know how cool it is to do other things--like sleep.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Are Babies Great Christmas Gifts?

Everyone tells me Aidan is the best Christmas gift ever. Yes, I feel incredibly lucky to have him. Yes, I wouldn't trade him for the world. Yes, I love him more than anything. However, labor doesn't seem like such a great Christmas gift. No family dinner. No gift opening. No off-color remarks from my mom and sisters.

Good thing Aidan held out that extra 3 hours 21 minutes to be born on the 26th. I'll just call him the best Boxing Day gift ever.