Thursday, February 28, 2008

Super Duper Pooper Man

Aidan may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but he sure knows how to fill a diaper (we call his blowouts "weapon X" and trust me, you don't want to be around when he deploys weapon X). To show our Super Duper Pooper Man (aka Mr. Squishy Pants) what the superhero thing is all about, we dressed Aidan in his best Super Man onsie and Blue Beetle baby bib—courtesy of his godmother—and hit the exhibition floor at Wondercon. Yes, Saturday, February 23 was baby's first comic book convention.

Some people say attending geeky events should be a choice, but I don't see anything wrong with a 2-month old learning about the Justice League and ways of the Jedi. So what if he slept through the DC and Lucas Film panels and spent a good deal of time nursing at the back of the exhibition hall (once at a table where one of my favorite authors, Michael Chabon, and his kids were having lunch)? He got so tuckered out taking in all the sights that he only woke up once during the night. In my book, that makes it all worthwhile.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

One Month Old, With Snots

It's official: my baby has his first cold. He's congested and miserable, and now I'm congested and miserable too. But wait, it gets better. Aidan's decided that the only thing that makes him feel better is swallowing, so he wants to nurse all the time--and spit up all the time (the little guy's stomach can only hold so much). It's a vicious cycle. Maybe I need to hold a milk intervention. I can gather the family and we can all let him know how cool it is to do other things--like sleep.