Today was one of those miserable rainy days where all you want to do is stay inside. Pre-kid, we'd go to the movies and theater hop, gorging ourselves on popcorn and candy. Now that Aidan is here, we decided to put our family membership to the Academy of Sciences to good use instead. Unfortunately, every other family in the Bay Area seemed to have the same idea. Making our way through the aquarium, the crowds became so insane and loud that Aidan looked at me, said "momma," and covered his ears. That's when we decided to quickly check out the African safari and ecology exhibits and leave. Brian and I were so proud of ourselves for staying calm through the experience that we treated ourselves to the Olive Garden (turns out Aidan loves Minestrone soup). If I ever suggest going to Golden Gate Park on a rainy day again, please remind me of this moment and slap some sense into me. What was I thinking?
I really, really, really want to go to the Academy (do they still have that port hole of sardines, that I can practically break my nose on?), but I'm just waiting out those crowds!
hahah my word verification is SESSE.
No port hole of sardines (that I saw), but it was REALLY crowded. There were salmon or some such fish that seemed to be spawning, though.
It actually seems like there's a lot less stuff to see because everything got bigger (huge tanks instead of lots of small ones and the bit rainforest canopy walk).
Brian and I are planning to go back without the kid at least once so we can check out the new planetarium. Word is that the digital projection and new seats are amazing.
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